I graduated at the Faculty of Natural Science, Comenius University with a doctorate in biochemistry. Gradually I received PhD, DSc and associate professor degrees. I currently work as a director of CEM SAS.
Establishment of Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) was legally grounded in an act passed by the Slovak National Council on 18 June 1953. November 1989 introduced significant changes at the Academy by transforming this institution to become similar to counterpart organisations of science and research in advanced countries abroad. Nowadays, the Slovak Academy of Sciences successfully presents itself nationally and worldwide through the results in basic and applied research. It consists of 45 organisations. The Academy publishes 57 scientific and professional journals and 8 yearbooks. There are 51 scientific and scholarly associations, societies and unions affiliated with the SAS, which operate in accordance with the Law on Civic Associations. The Assembly, the Scientific Council, and the Presidium are the Academy’s self-governing bodies.
The first mission of SAS is to carry out top-level basic research at the frontiers of knowledge that leads to new discoveries and concepts. The second mission of SAS is to make the scientific infrastructure for technically demanding research available to all interested parties, be it universities or other organisations of research and development. The third mission is long-term strategic and applied research and development, whereby SAS intensively and effectively co-operates with the business sector, the public sector, and civil society to transfer knowledge into practice.
The Centre of Experimental Medicine of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (CEM SAS) was established on January 1st, 2018 by merging the Institute of Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology, Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology and the Institute for Heart Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences into one Centre. The CEM SAS is focused on the integrated research of causes, mechanisms and possibilities of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of socially serious diseases with emphasis on myocardial ischemia, myocardial infarction, heart failure, hypoxia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders, nervous disorders, like mental health problems, schizophrenia, dementia and diseases originating in prenatal and early postnatal development period. The research is carried out at the in silico, in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo levels with the aim of transferring the acquired knowledge into clinical practice. An important part is the evaluation of the effects of bioactive natural substances, their derivatives and original synthetic substances with pharmacotherapeutic potential on animal models of human diseases and human samples, as well as the study of side effects and toxic effects of chemicals and radiation.
The research infrastructure of the CEM SAS includes the necessary equipment for functional analysis, biochemical analysis, DNA bioanalysis, RNA and proteins, microscopic, histological and immunohistochemical methods including confocal microscope and instruments for in vivo and in vitro cardiovascular analysis. The Centre has a complete set for measuring cardiovascular parameters in vitro and in vivo in small animals. Portable X-ray equipment will be rented from a veterinary ambulance. The Institute will provide the appropriate conditions for the project from the infrastructure point of view (laboratories, animal facility with breeding possibilities for own needs) and personal staff (scientists, PhD students, technician, veterinarians).
The Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology (INPP) is involved in basic research in experimental medicine, in particular normal and pathological physiology with the focus on the cardiovascular and the nervous system. A special attention is paid to hypertension and circulation disorders, the structure of the cardiovascular system, social stress, brain information processing, the mechanisms of posture and balance control, as well as modelling of the processes in the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The institute has an established collaboration with several research institutions and clinical departments in Slovakia and abroad.
Department of Neuro-cardiovascular Interactions is focused on signaling pathways that may affect different mechanisms of the cardiovascular system by central and sympathetic regulations and vice- versa, on the analysis of metabolic processes in the heart and vessels that may affect both central nervous system and sympathetic autonomic nervous system. In the framework of the clinical practice outputs, the department is focused on monitoring of drugs and substances, in particular the polyphenolic substances, that determine the levels of nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species in cardiovascular and metabolic disorders. Recently, the Department is devoted to the research of targeted therapy based on preparation, analysis, and monitoring of active antihypertensive agents and substances affecting lipid metabolism bound to a polymeric and/or magnetic nanoparticles. The Department in cooperation with material research analyzes the biocompatibility of magnesium implants for clinical use. Link: http://unpf.sav.sk/index.php/ustav/oddelenie-neuro-kardiovaskularnych-interakcii/
My team consists of senior researchers, young researchers and PhD students with different professional focus like biochemistry, medicine, molecular biology, physiology and veterinary medicine. Several members of the team were/are the leaders of different international and national projects, they are skilled in various laboratory methods and procedures and received awards for publications and scientific presentations.